Integrated Command & Control Applications

Make The Most Of Your Radio Network
A cost-effective and powerful solution for voice, text, telemetry dispatching and recording as well as
location tracking and control.
The solution incorporates Geo and indoor positioning as well as text messaging, voice recording
and telemetry processing. These features provide a complete overview of all station and unit
activity for fast problem localization, job assignment, control and documentation. All data is
recorded continuously and stored for an unlimited period. The data could then be used for further
investigation as well as growth planning.
Key Benefits
- Simplify dispatching, recording and documenting of voice, text and telemetry communications.
- Enable continuous tracking, control and protection of staff, vehicles and other resources.
- Minimize response time and Improve operational efficiency.
- Automate a wide range of daily operations.
- Provide consistent dispatching across heterogeneous (analog, digital, SIP) environments.
- Increase the efficiency of each frequency channel use.
- Deliver a single global view for multiple dispatchers across the world.
- Support role-based views for multiple dispatchers and administrators.
- Provide enterprise-level reliability and ‘no-limits’ scalability.
Key Features
- Voice Dispatch & Recording.
- GPS and indoor tracking.
- Job Ticketing.
- Text messaging and Telemetry.
- Alarming and Emergency.
- Resource control.
- RFID integration.
- Phone interconnect.

System Requirements And Types
- Compatible with IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus, Linked Capacity Plus and Connect Plus.
Mining, Oil & Gas, Police, and Utilities.
Application Partner

Make The Most Of Your Radio Network
TRBOnet Swift IP Gateway is a powerful hardware RadioOverIP gateway implementing connection between a radio network and TRBOnet Server to provide remote site control, voice and data transfer possibilities.
Provides remote management and operations for the control station with no direct USB connection. Supports voice and location data transfer between radio site subscribers and the TRBOnet Plus and TRBOnet Enterprise software.
Accelerates control station operations by eliminating extra voice encodings. Keeps the control station available for voice communications through the accessory microphone.
Key Benefits
- Remote control over IP with no need for direct USB connection.
- Improves stability and reliability of control station operations.
- Unattended radio network gateway with remote selfmonitoring.
- Compatible with analog and digital radios.
Key Features
- Integrates MOTOTRBO with analog and digital radio systems.
- Ensures the easiest migration path from analog to digital radio systems.
- Provides analog/digital audio conversion, remote monitoring and control.
- Can be used in high latency networks (VSAT etc.).
- Connects remote radio systems.
- Extends the RF coverage.
- Operates in conjunction with a repeater or a control station.
- Does not require a sound card.
- Allows up to five telemetry connections.
- Available in two form factors.
System Requirements And Types
- Radio Hardware/Releases Compatibility:
- MOTOTRBO radios and repeaters.
- Compatible with IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus and Linked Capacity Plus 2.4 or above.
- Compatible with Capacity Max.
Fire and Emergency Medical Services, Hospitality, Mining, Oil & Gas, Police, Transportation & Logistics, and Utilities.
Application Partner

IP-Based Software Voice Console
TruDispatch Console (TDC) is a software-based voice and text dispatch solution designed to bridge communication between mobile MOTOTRBO™ radio users and stationary PC users.
TDC connects a dispatcher with or without radio coverage to hundreds of devices and multiple sites on a radio network. With the push of a button, dispatchers can quickly make or receive calls with individuals or talkgroups, oversee network communication, playback audio and manage multiple resources in real-time.
The user interface provides quick replay of recent calls which maximize user efficiency and also provided feedback on ready to talk and busy channel. The TruDispatch Console supports multiple
voice client connections and keeps track of Channel Status i.e. busy or idle.
Key Benefits
- IP Dispatch from anywhere.
- Increases Dispatch efficiency.
- Unlimited Call recording and Replay for Auditing.
- Supports for Multiple Control Stations.
- Easy to install.
Key Features
- Voice Dispatching.
- Private & Group calls.
- Calling subscriber identification.
- Unlimited Call recording and replay.
- Paging, e.g. Horn Alert.
- Emergency Alarm notifications Archive history.
- Text Messaging.
- Configurable User Interface.
System Requirements And Types
- Radio Hardware/Releases Compatibility:
- Computer Hardware/Operating Systems.
- Windows 7, 8 or 10 (32 or 64 bit), Dual Core Processor, 4 GB of RAM, 500 GB of disk space, Sound card.
- IP Technology:
- Internet Connection required.
- Compatible with IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus, Linked Capacity Plus 2.3 or above.
- Compatible with Connect Plus 1.4 or above.
Transportation & Logistics.
Application Partner

Event Based GPS Reporting
The Tallysman Sprite™ TW200 Contrail tracking resolution takes tracking accuracy to a whole new
level enabling MOTOTRBO™ channel partners to complete on a level playing field with Cellular
carrier reporting rates. The TW200 supports all MOTOTRBO™ network configurations including
Connect Plus.
The TW200 contrail tracking capabilities combined with Tallysman’s TruFleet™ application
enables radio system operators to increases the number of data users on their system many
fold without having to additional repeaters to support the increased data traffic.
Key Benefits
- Audit of Vehicle travel.
- No missed reports (automatic log retrieval).
- Reports include odometer, idle time.
- Reduced Data load on system.
- Supports Connect Plus Telemetry.
- Support Analog Channels & GPS.
Key Features
- Out of range logging and retrieval.
- Breadcrumb tracking to City block level.
- Event driven reporting e.g. Periodic, distance, turns etc.
- Time-OFF-Timer.
- Waypoints reports.
- Odometer reports.
- Idle time reports.
System Requirements And Types
- Radio Hardware/Releases Compatibility:
- Interface.
- Radio cable interface to AUX port on radio.
- Compatible with IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus, Linked Capacity Plus 2.3 or above.
- Compatible with Connect Plus 1.4 or above.
Transportation & Logistics, Utilities.
Application Partner

Event Based GPS Reporting For MOTOTRBO Option Board
The Tallysman Sprite™ TW250 software APP's Contrail tracking resolution takes tracking accuracy
to a whole new level enabling MOTOTRBO™ channel partners to complete on a level playing field
with Cellular carrier reporting rates. The TW200 supports all MOTOTRBO™ network configurations
excluding Connect Plus.
Tallysman’s TruFleet™ application combined with the TW250 contrail tracking capabilities
enables radio system operators to increases the number of data users on their system many
fold without having to additional repeaters to support the increased data traffic.
Key Benefits
- Audit of Vehicle travel.
- No missed reports (automatic log retrieval).
- Reports include odometer, idle time.
- Reduced Data load on system.
- Support Analog Channels & GPS.
Key Features
- Out of range logging and retrieval.
- Breadcrumb tracking to City block level.
- Event driven reporting e.g. Periodic, distance, turns etc.
- Time-OFF-Timer.
- Waypoints reports.
- Odometer reports.
- Idle time reports.
System Requirements And Types
- Radio Hardware/Releases Compatibility:
- XPR 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000 series radios.
- Interface.
- MOTOTRBO option board required in radio.
- Compatible with IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus, Linked Capacity Plus 2.3 or above.
Transportation & Logistics, Utilities.
Application Partner

Cloud-Based AVL Tracking
webtracker@trbo is a browser-based service to track radio assets.
Its strengths lie in reliability, ubiquitous access from any smartphone, tablet or computer, ease of use and of course rich set of features. It is also very easy to use and configure.
Built from the ground up as a true cloud-based platform with the power of Linux and Java, it is fast, reliable and accessed daily by thousands of simultaneous users.
Within an account it is possible to create users, each with individual access rights.
It generates many types of reports and supports unlimited geozones and geocorridors. It also has a very flexible notification engine to send email alerts or change the color of markers.
Key Benefits
- No upfront investment: pay-as-you-go business model with a nominal one-time setup fee and an annual per radio fee (software gateways, support and maintenance included).
- Complete feature set all browser accessible: fleet view, breadcrunbing, geofencing, reporting, administration and alerts.
- Simple to deploy.
- Accessible from any browser, PCs, MACs,. tablets and smartphone.
- Ideal for any commercial system operator.
- Unparalled reliability with 99.997% uptime over the past 6 years.
Key Features
- Desktop-like UI with drop-down menus.
- OpenStreetMaps or Google Maps with satellite, traffic and street view.
- Maps of groups or individual radios with animated breadcumbing.
- Center maps on radio.
- Easy-selectable reporting range.
- Several pre-defined reports. Custom reports.
- Unlimited geofences and geocorridors.
- Telemetry support.
- Flexible and extensive rule-based alerts engine.
- Messaging via email.
- Ready for additional car telematics.
- Export options: Excel, XML, SOAP, etc.
System Requirements And Types
- Radio Hardware/Releases Compatibility:
- Any Motorola MOTOTRBO radio configuration including Connect Plus.
- Computer Hardware/Operating Systems.
- MS-Windows XP or greater (including Windows Server) with 1.5GHz CPU and 1GB RAM.
- Any email server (e.g. onsite MS-Exchange or offsite Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365, etc.).
- Interfaces:
- USB for control stations or Ethernet for data NAI repeater interface or XRC controller. Ethernet for network access.
- Compatible with IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus, Linked Capacity Plus 2.3 or above.
- Compatible with Connect Plus 1.4 or above.
Fire & Emergency Medical Services, Healthcare, Hospitality, Mining, Oil & Gas, National Government Security, Police, Public Services (non-Public Safety Government), Retail, Transportation & Logistics, Utilities
Application Partner